Is there a better beach? Little Beach I hear you say? Well then, it looks like the Great Southern is host to two of the best beaches in the world. Greens Pool is nothing short of spectacular. Calm waters are protected by large granite rocks that prevent the Southern Ocean’s large swells from reaching the shore. This is an amazing spot to swim and snorkel, or for the adventurous, jump from the boulders into the clear, cold water. The granite rocks are amazing in themselves. You can explore the formations while walking the short distance to Elephant Rocks, another beautiful, sheltered beach. At only 15km east of Denmark, this place is truly a hit with the locals.
And really, what a way to end this long, sometimes difficult, always rewarding, year-long photographic project. It has taken me to some truly beautiful places, and I have met many great people along the way. The local newspaper, the Albany Advertiser has published the series each week, which has helped share my images with a much wider audience. Thank you to all who have helped me with my images or importantly, who have been a subject in one of my series. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife and editor in chief, Julie. If you would like to take a journey back through some of the amazing places I have been, and re-visit images that I have taken, then please look through my gallery, ‘Portraits of the Great Southern’.
Thank you,